Rob Ives
Rob Ives was born in Harrogate in the UK in 1962.
After ten years as a classroom teacher Rob began designing models made from cardboard. At a mathematics conference he was asked by a publisher, who saw one of his models, if he could create a book of models for them. The result was the Paper Locksmith, a collection of working locks to cut out and make.
The publisher asked Rob if he could write them a second book, the result, Paper Automata is still in print and has been printed in a number of languages. At around this time Rob tried producing his own models, the first of these being Surfin’ the Web and Mexican Peck.
Over the years he has created more models and is now working full time as a designer.
After ten years as a classroom teacher Rob began designing models made from cardboard. At a mathematics conference he was asked by a publisher, who saw one of his models, if he could create a book of models for them. The result was the Paper Locksmith, a collection of working locks to cut out and make.
The publisher asked Rob if he could write them a second book, the result, Paper Automata is still in print and has been printed in a number of languages. At around this time Rob tried producing his own models, the first of these being Surfin’ the Web and Mexican Peck.
Over the years he has created more models and is now working full time as a designer.
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